8 Easy DIY Crafts Using Materials You Already Have at Home

8 Easy DIY Crafts Using Materials You Already Have at Home

Keep the kids entertained with what you already have at home! You don’t need to spend a lot of money or plan elaborate activities to enjoy quality time with your children.  

So, we’ve put together eight easy crafts that only require everyday household items. These crafts are perfect for a fun-filled day indoors, keeping kids busy and creative – whether it’s during a rainy day or a laid-back weekend. So, grab whatever you have around the house and let’s get crafting!

1. DIY Photo Frame

A DIY photo frame is a fun and budget-friendly way to preserve a special memory with your kids! This activity is perfect for spending quality time together using cardboard, colorful construction paper, popsicle sticks, buttons, and more. With just some paint, glue, and creativity, you can turn these simple materials into a personalized photo frame that captures your kiddo’s favorite moments.

If you’re looking for a simple, more cost-effective option, check out Decorate-Your-Own Sparkly Photo Frame! It includes everything your kids need to craft a beautiful, sparkly photo frame you’ll be proud to display. They can follow the pre-printed patterns or let their imaginations run wild to create their own unique designs.

2. Puffy Paint

Puffy paint from The Artful Parent is a delightful and easy craft project that you and your kids (even your preschoolers) will love! To make puffy paint, you’ll need some of the following household items: shaving cream, flour, glue, and food coloring – or paint if you have some handy. You’ll also need Ziploc bags to apply paint and some sturdy paper or board as your canvas. This puffy paint creates a cool, 3D effect that remains soft and puffy even after it dries, so it’s not only visually appealing but also a great sensory activity for little hands.

3. Suncatcher

A DIY suncatcher is a fun project that brightens up any room and creates a colorful display that catches the light beautifully. You don’t need much to make your own suncatcher – just some clear adhesive paper, glue, and perhaps some glitter or sequins for extra sparkle.

For a hassle-free and cost-effective alternative, check out SunGemmers! This kit includes everything your kids need to create dazzling window art. Each pack contains three pre-printed designs, three color guides, and over 1000 SunGemmers gemstones. Your kids will love seeing the light dance through their colorful creations!

4. Finger Paint

We can never get enough of colorful DIY paint! Paint is always a hit, and making your own finger paint is surprisingly simple! You only need sugar, cornstarch, cold water, and food coloring to whip up vibrant, thick finger paint. It’s an excellent sensory activity for kids and perfect for expressing their creativity through messy, hands-on fun!

But to keep things tidier for you, we recommend using a plastic tablecloth to cover your crafting area and have your kids wear old T-shirts or aprons to protect them from stains. It also helps to pour pain into muffin tins to limit the amount of paint they can use at once, reducing spills. Enjoy the fun of DIY finger painting with your kids without worrying too much about the mess!

5. Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are a timeless favorite for kids of all ages! The possibilities for making these fun accessories are endless. You can use twine, washi tape, beads and string, ribbon, or wool. Just let your kiddo’s creativity lead the way!

If you’re looking for something a bit more stylish and durable, consider getting CharmWow. This DIY charm jewelry-making kit is perfect for kids, tweens, and teens because they can personalize their own bracelets and necklaces. Each kit comes packed with trendy and eye-catching charms that are built to last. It’s a fun and functional craft they’ll cherish for years.

6. Homemade Clay

Did you know it’s super easy to make your own clay? All it takes is four simple ingredients: baking soda, cornstarch, water, and food coloring. Once you’ve made your clay, the real fun begins! You can get creative by adding googly eyes, feathers, colorful pompoms, and other decorations to bring your clay creations to life.

Playing with clay is a fantastic sensory activity that helps them develop fine motor skills as they mold and shape. They can also learn about mixing colors and experimenting with design.

7. Temporary Hair Dye

You can easily make temporary hair dye at home with a few items: food coloring, hair gel or conditioner, a small paint brush or plastic fork, and plastic gloves to keep your hands clean. It’s a fun and safe way for your kids to experiment with different hair colors, helping them express themselves and feel confident in their own skin.

If you’re worried about the potential mess, there’s a tidier alternative you might love – the Hair Chalk and Glitter Style Set! This set includes 12 vivid colors like red, blue, green, yellow, and more. They’re safe to use and wash out easily with soap and water. It’s great to have on hand for playdates, parties, Halloween, and more. Plus, they double as face paint, making them a versatile choice for any dress-up occasion!

8. Mini Notebooks

Making mini notebooks is a great craft for kids that’s as fun as it is practical! Using simple supplies like paper, paper scraps, scissors, glue, cardboard for covers, string, or rubber bands for binding, your kids can create their own personalized notebooks. They can choose their favorite colors and patterns for the covers and decorate them with stickers and drawings.

These little notebooks are perfect for all sorts of uses – whether it’s jotting down secret messages, sketching tiny drawings, or keeping track of new ideas. Making them also helps your kiddos develop fine motor skills as they cut, paste, and assemble.

We hope these easy DIY crafts inspire you to get creative with your kids using items you already have at home. Give these ideas a try and share your creations with us! Tag us on your social media posts @PLBfun and show off your kid’s crafty skills. Happy crafting!

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